.. _installation: ============ Installation ============ If you've done this kind of thing before, suffice to say that Streamly has been published to `PyPI `_ and so it is installable under the name, ``streamly``. Requirements ------------ Streamly requires `Python 3.1 `_ or newer. It does not have any 3rd party dependencies. Installation ------------ It goes without saying that you should not install directly into your system-wide python installation, but instead into a project-specific `virtual environment `_. It is highly recommended that you :ref:`use pipenv ` as it consolidates the installation of your application's dependencies and virtual environment management into one simple tool. Otherwise, :ref:`use pip and venv separately `. .. _with_pipenv: With `pipenv `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section assumes that pipenv is installed. If not, `install it `_ first. Create and/or Activate Virtual Environment & Install: .. code-block:: text pipenv install streamly **OR** Activate Virtual Environment & Update: .. code-block:: text pipenv update streamly .. _with_pip_and_venv: With `pip `_ and `venv `_ separately ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section assumes that you have created and/or activated your virtual environment manually. If not, `install/create/activate `_ first. Install Or Update: .. code-block:: text pip install streamly --upgrade